Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Journal

My kids all love to write, color and draw. Unfortunately, they have the penmanship of a Doctor (which works well since #1 is going to be a Dr. - ask him - he'll tell you). In school, #1 wrote in a reading journal daily. #2 practiced writing every day as well. #2's teacher even sent him home for the summer with a notebook to practice writing in.

I wanted to keep up the writing practice, but not feel like an assignment. So, they started off the summer by decorating their own summer journals.


  • single subject notebook, composition or theme pad

  • stick on foam sheets

  • letter stickers

  • decorative stickers

  • scissors

  • markers


  • trace the cover of the notebook/pad on to the backing of the foam.

  • cut foam on the lines

  • remove backing and stick to the cover of your notebook

  • Add the name and/or title in letter stickers

  • decorate with more stickers

  • use markers to complete personalization

How to use: Encourage your child(ren) to use their journal dialy. Record the events of the summer or imagine new stories. This is not intended as grammar exercise and it isnt' going to be graded. Let them use thier imaginations, practice penmanship/fine motor skills and develop story telling skills.

For younger kids: a parent can trace and cut the cover and maybe even stick that on as well. This is intended for school-aged kids, but even toddlers aren't too young to start drawing and coloring. not only is it great for their imagination, but it helps develop pincer grasp and hand-eye coordiantion.

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